FydeOS on Raspberry Pi
Last Update: 2024-03-07
This guide will walk you through the process of booting FydeOS / openFyde / Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi on your Raspberry Pi 4 or Pi400, regardless of your operating system — macOS, Linux, BSD, or Windows (using Windows Subsystem for Linux). Simply follow the instructions tailored to your OS, and you’ll be up and running with FydeOS in no time.
Confused with the difference between FydeOS / openFyde / Chromium OS? Read the explanation here in the TL;DR:.
As the nature of the Raspberry Pi, it’s recommended to first familiarise yourself with basic processes and best practices of using / operating / tinkering with single board computers like the Raspberry Pis, by reading their official documentation and watch video demonstrations available from their official site.
Using balenaEtcher
Utilizing the official Raspberry Pi Imager for image flashing has been found to occasionally disrupt the auto-expansion script, leading to storage issues. We recommend balenaEtcher as a dependable alternative for image flashing.
For a straightforward and user-friendly approach, we recommend using balenaEtcher. This tool allows you to flash OS images to SD cards or USB sticks with ease. It’s compatible with all major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and mainstream Linux distros. Its intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it a breeze to use.
To get started, download the balenaEtcher installation package for your operating system from the official website.
Next, download the OS image file for Raspberry Pi:
For FydeOS for SBC - Raspberry Pi, you may find it here in our download page;
For openFyde - Raspberry Pi, you may find the latest releases here on GitHub;
For Chromium OS for Raspberry Pi, go to the releases page on GitHub.
Once you’ve done that, open the image file with balenaEtcher and select the destination drive (SD card or USB drive) you’ll be using to boot your FydeOS / openFyde / Chromium OS. There’s no need to unzip or rename the file; balenaEtcher can handle it as is. Click the “Flash!” button and let balenaEtcher take care of the rest.
After the process is complete, remove the SD card or USB drive, insert it into your Raspberry Pi, and start exploring!
Final note for FydeOS for SBC: Beginning from FydeOS v17, you can flash the downloaded image directly to the storage device that you will be using to boot FydeOS and enjoy the full functionalities including OTA updates (unlike previously, you would have to flash the image onto a micro SD card first and perform an installation process to the final destination storage drive).