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Change or hide your account photo

You can see the names and photos of each account on your FydeOS device at the sign-in screen. You can change your account photo, or hide account names and photos.

Change account photo

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings ⚙️.
  3. In the “Personalization” section, select Change device account image.
  4. Change your account photo.
    • To take a photo, select **Camera ** > Take photo.
    • To take a short video, select the **Camera ** > **Video camera ** > Start recording.
    • To upload your own photo, choose one from your Files.
    • Choose one of the photos from the list.

Note: To retake a photo, under the photo, select **Delete **.

Hide account photo from sign-in screen

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings ⚙️.
  3. In the “People” section, select Manage other people.
  4. Turn off Show usernames and photos on the sign-in screen.

Now, you’ll see a generic “Sign in” step on the sign-in screen.

Note: If you’re using your FydeOS device at work or school, or if your account isn’t the owner of your FydeOS device, you won’t be able to hide account photos.