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Other Settings

Backup and restore

Starting with FydeOS 16.1, a new built-in backup and restore GUI tool will be available.

Its primary function is to allow for the effortless creation of a comprehensive system backup, which can then be saved as a single file. This backup file can then be utilized later to restore the FydeOS system to its original state at the time of the backup, retaining all settings, installed browser extensions, and subsystem programs.

Please be advised that this feature is currently in beta version and may have some limitations in functionality and potential user experience issues. For more detailed information regarding the usage and functionality of this feature, please refer to this article.

Enable system restart button

In FydeOS, you can use the restart button to quickly reboot your device.

To do this, proceed as follow:

  1. In “Settings”, choose “FydeOS settings” and go to “Other settings”
  2. Locate the “Display restart button” option and click on it to enable
  3. Click on the system tray in the bottom right corner, you should see a restart button appear there
  4. Click it to reboot your device

Switch between Tablet/Desktop mode

When device conditions permit, you can use this feature to switch between tablet or desktop mode on FydeOS.

Please bear in mind that switching the display mode in this way may impact how certain applications are displayed or laid out. Should you encounter any issues, please try restarting the application or device, or contact the FydeOS support team for further assistance.

To activate the tablet/desktop mode switch button, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select “FydeOS Settings” in “Settings” and navigate to “Other Settings”.
  2. Enable the “Tablet/Desktop mode switch button”
  3. After enabling this feature, locate the switch button in the lower right corner of the status bar
  4. Click the switch button to switch between tablet and desktop modes easily

Enable Widevine

If you want to play content-protected streaming services in FydeOS, you need to enable the Widevine feature in the settings. You can read this article for more details.

The simple steps to enable it are as follows:

  1. Open “Settings”
  2. Click on “FydeOS Settings”
  3. Enable Widevine
  4. Restart FydeOS to activate the feature