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Connect your FydeOS device on a monitor

You can connect FydeOS to a monitor or TV with an HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI, or VGA port.

Show FydeOS screen on your monitor

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings ⚙️.
  3. In the “Device” section, select Displays.
  4. Select Mirror Built-in Display. This option will appear when your monitor is connected.

Tip: To view FydeOS screen only on your monitor, press and hold F6.

Adjust your screens

  1. At the bottom right, select the time.

  2. Select Settings ⚙️.

  3. In the “Device” section, select Displays.

  4. To adjust FydeOS screen, select “Built-in Display”. To adjust your monitor screen, select the name of the monitor.

    • Make items on your screen smaller or larger: In the “Display size” section, choose an option.
    • Rotate the screen: In the “Orientation” section, choose an option.
  5. Under your monitor tab, you can also:

    • Change screen sharpness: In the “Resolution” section, choose an option.
    • Change frequency of screen updates: Choose a higher refresh rate to refresh content on the screen faster.

Tip: To quickly move windows or apps from one screen to another, on your keyboard, press ❖/⌘ + Alt + m.