If you've installed apps from the , here are tips for finding apps quickly and organizing them.

#Find an app

To search for an app on your FydeOS device:

  1. On your keyboard, press the Search key or the Launcher key.
  2. Enter the name of the app you want. The app will show in your search results.

#Open an app

  1. In the corner of your screen, select the Launcher img.
  2. Find an app that you'd like to open.
    • Choose an app from your recently used apps
    • Scroll to find all of your apps
    • Use the Launcher to search for apps
  3. To open the app, select the app icon.

#Use app shortcuts

Some apps offer shortcuts to a specific feature or action within the app.

To see if an app has a shortcut:

  1. In the corner of your screen, select the Launcher img
  2. Right-click on the app. From the drop-down menu, you will see if there are any shortcuts.

To search for an app shortcut:

  1. In the corner of your screen, select the Launcher img.
  2. Start typing in the search box. If a shortcut is available, it will appear just below the search box.

#Organize your apps

#Put apps in folders

  • Put apps together in a folder: Drag an app on top of another app.
  • Name a folder: Click the folder.

#Move apps around

Click and hold an app, then drag it.